Member of American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, American Weimar Institute preventive medicine researcher, Functional Medical Association consultant doctor, member of Laser Surgery Medical Association of Republic of China, researcher of American Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, superintendent and professor of Auxiliary Alternative and Natural Medicine Research Institute, Wah Har College.
Adopt advanced GGMET to carry out all-around systematic freeze-aging management, combine with systematic anti-aging professional treatments such as nutrition, antioxidation, cycling detoxifying improvement, neuroendocrine conditioning, gastrointestinal repair and immune-fortification etc., and provide physical and mental balance management plan of non-medicinal property, low penetration and free of inappropriate side effect.
Contents of Service
G - functional gene analysis and repair plan
G - Gastrointestinal health maintenance
M - Muscle/bone reconstruction plan
E - Internal secretion and nerve syndrome conditioning (sexual satisfaction plan, hormone conditioning)
T - Cell senescence telomere analysis, immunologic balance, cell storage management